
At Knowles Centre, we believe every child deserves a future filled with hope. Since 1907, we've been transforming lives by providing a nurturing environment that fosters well-being and belonging. Our dedicated staff offers tailored therapeutic support, addressing mental, physical, and behavioural needs through a holistic approach. We specialize in helping those who have faced repeated trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACES).

Our mission is to help young people and their families address past struggles, develop healthier relationships and ways of life, and reach their full potential in the future. Depending on individual needs, clients are referred to one of six Knowles Centre's programs, which include:

  • Healing Homes Program offers safe homes with educational and therapeutic support for youths aged 12-17
  • Treatment Foster Care Program provides a blend of professional treatment and family-based care
  • SAIL Program a three-stage program aiding 16-21-year-olds in transitioning to independent living including apartment living with support and post-transition guidance
  • Day Treatment Program, in collaboration with River East Transcona School Division assists 12-17 uear olds with emotional and behavioural challenges through specialized education programming that meets them where they are, coupled with therapy
  • Sexual Abuse Treatment Program supports youth and their families who are survivors of secual abuse
  • Moving Forward Therapeutic Counselling offers in-school counselling and community-based therapy for youth

In addition, we offer or arrange support services that complement our core programs, including:

  • Biimautaziiwin Aboriginal Cultural Program
  • Recreation Program
  • John G. Stewart Camp & Outdoor Education Program
  • John G. Stewart School (River East Transcona School Division)
  • Access to psychiatric consultation

Knowles Centre is a registered, non-profit, charitable organization governed by an elected Board of Directors.

Read a copy of our agency brochure.

We are proud to be the only child and youth residential treatment centre in Manitoba accredited by the Council on Accreditation. This accreditation affirms that Knowles Centre has met a set of internationally established requirements that help ensure quality service, best-practice standards and measurable results. Accreditation also assures that Knowles Centre performs services the community needs, conducts its operations effectively, and manages its funds wisely.

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